Member-only story
When The Adventure Calls
Let me guess, you're not the most adventurous person you know, right?
However, your mind is constantly telling you that you have to do radical activities, but your anxiety starts to attack because you don't know how or are afraid of.
You start thinking “What's the point of doing this?”, and you end up not doing it and over time, your mind starts to make these radical ideas disappear, because you decided to continue in your comfortable, monotonous and boring life.
You only think about it again, many years later, when you are on the porch of your house, sitting in your swing chair, where you decided to spend the end of your days on Earth, and that thought starts to haunt you because you regret not having done it that.
Now you have two options, the first is the simplest, forget about it and continue to live exactly as you do, without changing anything.
The second option is, even at a certain age, you decide to do everything you didn't do when you were young, and you don't look back, so you have a clear conscience.
So, answering for you the question I mentioned above, even if you are not adventurous, even if you are afraid to do something, do it, do your best, live each day as if it were the last, do everything you are afraid to do, when your mind calls you, listen, don’t question, do it for fun, in life what matters is fun, enjoy it because you don’t know when your last day is coming.