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What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?
If there were a Top5 of the questions that are asked most often, this one was fighting for gold, but as there isn’t (for now), let's look at things for another side, the way you answer this question says a lot about you.
Let's see the answers that many people give to this question...
- I bought the last generation car (or many cars), had a house built bigger than many villages on this planet, had employees for everything and anything, and maybe bought an island;
- He helped family and friends monetarily and spent his days traveling;
- I invested money;
- I didn’t change much in my life;
We have 4 possible answers, there may be some changes in them but doesn’t change much from what I wrote.
Some people if they win the lottery, in a few months they would come back to when they were poor;
Some people used the money to make more money and didn’t enjoy life, this type of person is the one who when he is in the last days of life, is sitting in a rocking chair thinking about what he could have done and didn’t do, this people have the money, but didn’t enjoy anything;
This type had already found the alchemy, lived as if they didn’t need much, enjoyed every minute and were rewarded in a…