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What Is Your Therapy?
The Cambridge Dictionary said:
Therapy (noun) — A treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness:
occupational therapy
speech therapy
group therapy
Well, I agree with that, but I have to say, you don’t need an illness to find out your therapy. We don’t need to waste a ton of money so that somebody hears you, to tell you what you have or what you have to do. Some people just need to get out of their comfort zone and met new people to talk; Others like to walk around nature, and walk through paths nobody walk just to be alone; Others like to practice sports; A few choose traveling; Others prefer stay at home, with a book or playing video games; Others want to lost themselves in their gardens; And, if you are like me, you find your therapy in kitchen.
Find our therapy is find something who make us feel better and grow stronger (like Cambridge Dictionary said), you can make experiences and find what makes you feel that way, if you don’t know yet.