Member-only story
Part IV
3 days passed, he was at home getting ready for work, when, suddenly received a text message, it was her, it says, “I’m worry, please call”. They promise each other, for this long-distance relationship work, they don’t have to be texted every minute, they agreed only call in the morning and at night, but as every rule, has an exception, and that day, the exception appeared. He picks up his phone and call her.
“Hey, how are you? What is wrong? Your mind doesn’t want to leave you alone?
“No, I threw up 3 times already, my boobs, which fit perfectly in my hand, no longer fit, do you understand my point?”
“Hmm, not exactly, what is the point?”
“Please think, you don’t understand that I might be pregnant? Why are you that way? You never understand my signals…”
“Oudh…you know I was really bad in biology, and this is my first big relationship, I never thought I’ve been like this in such an early age.”
“But you’re on early 20s, what age do you think you will start? And please, I said this in the first time and will say it now, do you think I will believe you never had a girlfriend before?”
“I don’t know, 30s? It’s the true, I was shy, really shy in my teenage times, and maybe the signs from girls should be explicit.”
“At 30s? Well, the universe doesn’t work that way, when he sees you are ready, you are ready. And, being shy isn’t an excuse, girls can fight against.”