Member-only story
I loved her like I’ve never love before
A few years ago, I loved someone like I’ve never love someone before.
She was perfect, all I have asked, she had the perfect height (for my height, I have 1.85 meters and she was 1.62 meters), she was skinny (gain ten kilograms in the time we spend together), long hair and the same colour as mine and green eyes, quoting Leonard Hofstadter from “The Big Bag Theory”, “…or kids will be smart and beautiful”, this was my thought when I met her. She was smart enough to know what she wants, and I knew our love was reciprocal, but I was a virgin in relationships and the breakup was entirely my fault.
She was my first girlfriend, I was 21 years old and I thought I was ready to be in a relationship, oh boy, how wrong I was…
We were perfect together, every place we walk in, everyone saw how cute we were, but I didn’t know what to do with the perfect girl like her, and it was tragic…
Think about drive every day a Fiat Uno and someone gives to you a Ferrari, she was the Ferrari, and I was used to drive the Fiat Uno, and because of this, I take full responsibility for the breakup.
The more important was, I’ve learned from this and now, I only want someone when I was prepared, I know the best way to be prepared in being good single and the right person will come to you.
I am a better person and I know, there’s some things we only learn with each other, and I’m ready to learn that!
In the end, this is my apologize letter, six years later, but better later than never. I want you to know, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine, I was new in that world, I wish you’ll find someone who loves you the same way I loved (and still love) you, but don’t be afraid to show as I had.
I am not these guys who wish sadness to their girlfriends, I am the type of man who want you the happiest woman in the world.
I'm sorry I wasn't the man you deserved!